Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wiki Part 1

I've been familiar with wikis for a while (especially since one of my library school professor's banned us from even mentioning the name "Wikipedia"). I, of course, feel that wikis are WONDERFUL! With every information medium you have to ask yourself, "who wrote this, should I trust this, is this good information for me, etc..". To me, wikis are no different than any other source of info, except that I get to contribute in my own way, in my own time, and in my own words.

For libraries, there are several reasons why wikis work as a shared information collaboration space. Right now, I'm working on a local authors wiki site. I chose the wiki format because a blog wouldn't display the information in a userfriendly format and I wanted to have a forum where people could add their own information. Why should people not have the opportunity to share what they know. Maybe there's a local author who has published that hasn't reached any of our desks, yet....Information's a good thing.

1 comment:

Halle said...

I love the idea of using a wiki for a local author list! Great idea!!