Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 2- Blogs

This week's discussion/learning was centered on "blogs". Having many friends who operate their own blogs, I have become familiar with the blogging world on the web. I personally think blogs are great (and super simple) ways for people to journal, share photos, track events, and socialize over the Internet. At the present time, a friend of mine is posting details regarding her upcoming wedding so that guests can print out directions to the church and participants can see the itinerary for the wedding weekend.

While using the blog search, I came across a blog specifically dedicated to Library 2.0 and thought I would set up an RSS feed so I can read the content as it gets posted. In case any one is interested here is the link: . I joined up and even found a discussion/social group of librarians talking about planning and creating adult programs (which is my job at Beaufort Branch)! It was exciting to find other people with shared professional interests and responsibilities. Not to mention, a few who share my hobbies and music interests!

Until next post,

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